Honor Academy at Teen Mania

Tonight, I spent the evening praying with hundreds of students at the Honor Academy in Texas. Brent Parsley and I both spoke to the students. Brent talked about how Peter chose to get out of the boat on his own initiative. As folowers of Jesus, we need to take the initiative and think of ways to get out of the boat. I talked about the importance of crying out to God in prayer and that in eternity we will see the effect of our prayers. We screamed "fire fall down" as we prayed for local church youth ministires in the US. What a night! God's raising up a generation that really contends in prayer.

Each intern prayed for their local church back home. As I talked to students, they were from all over the US. In fact, I talked to a couple guys that were from Moscow, ID. That's where I grew up. Crazy!

Brent and I had a blast here. Ron Luce runs an amazing ministry and he is the real deal. He's a genuine disciple of Christ and an amazing leader of leaders. We drove some ATV's around east Texas with Ron. Now, that's a little piece of heaven!