
Brady Boyd spoke on joy this morning at New Life Church. He stated that the pursuit of the perfect life keeps us from experiencing true joy. In fact, nobody has a perfect life. It's a flawed concept. We experience joy in our lives because of Christ no matter the circumstance...

Psalm 16:11 says that there is joy in His presence. I'm convinced that we can have great joy in a war torn world as we spend time with God.

If we are bugged by people that smile too much, we probably lack joy. If our emotions rise and fall like a roller coaster, we lack joy. Joy is constant. It's a choice and it exists when we remain in the yoke with Jesus.

Jared Anderson recently wrote the song, "Counting on God." The lyrics say, "joy unspeakable that won't go away." That's what I want.

Like Paul and Silas, I want to sing hymns in the prison cell... be filled with joy.