My best friends are the ones that bring out the best in me.

My friend, Brett Payne, teases that I call everyone my best friend. He's right. I think that I do that because there are so many great men of God around me that possess charachteristics that I want in my life. Yesterday, I met with a youth pastor at New Life, Jeremiah Parks, and then a missionary to Mexico named Britt Hancock. Jeremiah and I met at Starbucks and then Britt met me at my office.The meetings were back to back, powerful, and felt like men sharpening one another (Proverbs 27:17).

Jeremiah sat down and said, "Let's talk about our Father." I loved that. We sat and talked about God for an hour. That's the kind of friend that I want to be. I felt stronger when I had finished my coffee and my hour with that guy. Britt and I talked about the reality of the real war that we are in between light and dark. Our conversations lean that direction every time we meet. He's leading thousands to the Lord in Mexico and helps me see through some of the religious fog that we have in the states. They say that you become like the people you hang out with. Well, after my meetings yesterday, I hope that's true.