Amazing. Power encounter with God! Refreshing.
Those are my thoughts about tag retreat last weekend. God is doing something so special at New Life. In fact, the night that I spoke, I got up over an hour late because student were weeping, praying and crying out to God. It was so exciting to see the level of hunger and passion for God. It wasn't hype at all. It was sincere. Students were hungry for genuine holiness. ( Brent Parsley led with boldness even though he got super sick. Jon Egan was writing spontaneous songs in worship. Jeremiah Parks preached on miracles. Jared Newman taught on dying to ourselves. Awesome!
One of my favorite moments was when Brent had all the leaders pray over the students. Students were hungry for God to touch them in such a unique way.
Snow came down during the night and we "almost" got stuck up in the rockies. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded getting stuck up there with those passionate students.
Those are my thoughts about tag retreat last weekend. God is doing something so special at New Life. In fact, the night that I spoke, I got up over an hour late because student were weeping, praying and crying out to God. It was so exciting to see the level of hunger and passion for God. It wasn't hype at all. It was sincere. Students were hungry for genuine holiness. ( Brent Parsley led with boldness even though he got super sick. Jon Egan was writing spontaneous songs in worship. Jeremiah Parks preached on miracles. Jared Newman taught on dying to ourselves. Awesome!
One of my favorite moments was when Brent had all the leaders pray over the students. Students were hungry for God to touch them in such a unique way.
Snow came down during the night and we "almost" got stuck up in the rockies. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded getting stuck up there with those passionate students.
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